About This Blog

The basic purpose of this blog is to share my love of kdramas through drawing and discussion.  To keep myself honest I will be posting absolutely everything I draw, so unfortunately you should expect the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.  Sketching scenes from dramas has definitely made me view them differently, and I would be thrilled if I could spread even just a little of my appreciation for their beautiful imagery.

The picture above is everything I use for all of the drawings on this blog.  It consists of a Moleskin watercolor sketchbook, Winsor & Newton travel set, waterbrush, mechanical pencil, paper towel, and Micron pen.  This is not a good setup for creating works of art, but it IS the perfect kit to throw in your purse (or murse!) and makes things quick and easy.  There is no pencil sharpening, no jar of water, and all the color mixing is done right on the page.

I don’t really consider anything I do here to be “art”.  This is just a hobby I picked up to improve my hand/eye coordination after years of not drawing (with the added benefit of allowing me to obsess over kdramas more).  I feel like all of the hard work (and all of the “art”) is done by the great directors and production teams that create such wonderful scenes for me to draw.

If you’d like any of of my images for personal use, please help yourself, though I do ask that you credit me and link this blog if you use any of the pictures in a public space (like a website).  Please leave comments for me too, since you’re likely to make my day!

I also have to thank Softy at Rebel Souls, who not only encouraged me to share my images in the first place, but also suggested starting this blog. She even suggested the “K” in Kolor!


52 responses

  1. Woo hoo 🙂 I feel so honored – can’t wait to read this whole site. I came straight here first to say hello. Love the name – it’s perfect for this site. Welcome to the blogging world- I hope you have lots of fun blogging, writing, and painting. May you soon enjoy the fruits of your labor and see your work continue to leave an impression everywhere. Your work will always have an audience here as well as on other KD blogs. So glad to have made a new friend. 🙂

  2. Wow, thank you! You’re practically making me weepy! I’m super glad to have meet you too, and am happy to have joined the crazy KD blog world. Even if this site doesn’t work out, at least there’s always banners 🙂

  3. Congratulations, Fanderay! New blog looks smashing!! Going to link you pronto. Hope you write lots because I loved reading your thoughts on CYHMH.

  4. Wow, putting words in form of art created by your own hands! Sheer brilliance!

    Love love love CYHMH! The watercolor of DJ covering his ears, wahh, brings back tears. I’m on 25 now, and I’m dreading the fact it’s nearing the end for me soon. *sniffs*

  5. Wow, just wow! Thank you for putting up this blog and sharing your art! As a kdrama fan, I feel really spoiled and blessed to be receiving recaps, live blogs and all sorts of kdrama goodies from talented and generous writers/artists/fans like you, Softy, javabeans, girlfriday, ockoala, thundie, kdrama foodie. Whoa. What more could I ask for?

  6. hello 🙂 I would just like to say that you are really really amazing and talented hahaha I’ve been stalking you (hehehe) ever since you’ve started this blog and this is actually bookmarked underneath my tabs so I click on this webpage whenever I open up firefox. xP

    I got carried over here from rebel souls due to CYHMH and even though I haven’t watched any other dramas that you’ve been drawing (been rewatching a lot of old ones + watching KJW’s old works haha) but they are all still breathtaking and I get so excited whenever you update (and when it’s a CYHMH one I get supremely excited and I’ll jump a bit hahaha).

    Anyway this is just to thank you for sharing your amazing talent on the web!!! And for making my eyes so happy 😀 hope you continue this forever and ever hehe 😀

    • Isn’t CYHMH the greatest? I need to draw that show again soon. I thought I was drawing it too often, so I’m glad you’re not sick of it!

      If you haven’t watched any of the other dramas on this site…well, you have some serious drama watching to do! Sunkyunkwan Scandal and Secret Garden are the ones you should watch first, not that you’re looking for a recommendation 😛

      Thanks for your comments and for un-lurking! I find the presence of stalkers encouraging ^_^

  7. no I will never be sick of CYHMH! xD two more days to it’s one month anniversary of ending and I still am rewatching it haha my friends are all sick of me going on about it. 😛

    I’m planning to watch secret garden one day! it’s just that I’m the kind of person who really doesn’t like popular stuff, somehow it makes it less special and personal (weird right) (which is also partially why CYHMH worked so well for me) so I was planning to watch it after the fervor died down. 😛 I’ll get to it soon! haha thanks for the recommendations 😀

    • If you want something that isn’t well known you might like Someday. It was a cable show and is way less known than CYHMH, but it has a unique story and quirky characters, and I think everyone who watches it enjoys it ^_^

  8. You seem great, I was curious when I saw your link on dramabeans site. I thought it would be another kdrama blog, plus it’s refreshingly different :). Tbh, looking at the paintings on the main page, I thought, “Photoshop? I wish I had Photoshop to create pretty things.” Now, I read that’s it’s handmade and that makes it so much better :). I’m completely jealous ^^”.

    Where do you put all the paintings you have completed? How did you think of painting kdrama scenes? It’s such a super cool idea :).

    • I WISH I was good at photoshop. People that are awesome at Photoshop are who I’m jealous of 🙂

      All my paintings are just in the little sketchbook that I painted them in. If I ever make something I REALLY love then I may cut it out and frame it, but that hasn’t happened yet. I just started drawing kdrama scenes because I wanted to get back into drawing after not doing any artwork for about ten years, and I was watching kdramas all the time so they seemed like a good thing to practice on. I never would’ve guessed that other people would actually want to see my paintings :S

  9. Hey! I just found your art through Tumblr, and I was really blown away. I don’t know that much (or much at all…) about korean dramas, but even still, your art stands very well on its own.

    I wonder… would you be interested in doing a collaboration? I saw on your suggestions/requests page that you were interested in thinking outside the box, and I really think we could do something wonderful together. I’ve been writing children’s stories and posting them online, and having you illustrate one of them, either now or in the future, would be an honor.

    Thanks for doing what you do, and keep it up!


  10. Hi Fand,
    I’ve seen your artwork before and I really loved it. I love visual arts. And watercolor is one of the hardest material to control. so, I salute your talent!

    And your sketches are also amazing.. its like a replica.
    By the way, I want to contact you privately but I didn’t see any way to contact you except by posting a comment. Hope you will email me when you get this. You can see my email add at the comment, right? ^^

    Hope to hear from you.
    Best Regards,

  11. Just Stumbled upon your blog! It’s fantastic!!!
    I think you have such a refreshing and new type of K-drama blog!
    I love love love it! I especially love the picture from The Musical with Daniel Choi sitting at the piano.
    Keep up the good work!

  12. I found your blog on tumblr 😀 Someone made a post about it 🙂
    I loooooove your drawings, they are amazing! I like to draw but I’m not so good :c
    I’ll be looking forward to your work 😀 Take care ❤

  13. You make beautiful drawings. Do you sell prints? If so I would definitely buy them. I also watercolor and I really appreciate your lineweights and technique. Microns are the best. It seems like you use a very thin tipped one.

    Wonderful site!

    • Wow, I never thought anyone would want prints! I’m sure I could work something out. What would you be interested in? There’s somewhere in town that does prints on watercolor paper (amongst other things) so I’ll look into pricing this week if I get a chance. I wouldn’t want to charge much more than cost since these dramas are copyrighted, and consider this fan-service more than anything.

      What do you think you would be most interested in? As in what sizes, what types of drawings, what kind of prints, etc. It’s not really something I’ve thought about before.

      In case you’re wondering, I use a 005 and a 02 micron. I try to avoid using the 005 since I’m a barbarian and often end up bending the tip, but since the drawings are so small and I often don’t want the pen work to be the focus, it’s sometimes unavoidable.

      Thanks for posting; I’m very intrigued by by this print idea now.

      • What do you do with the originals? Do you hang them up or just leave them in a folio or something?

        So I have a problem picking stuff, but off hand I’m gonna say

        1. PTB where they are laying on the bed together
        2. The PTB group one
        3. CYHMH where Dong Joo is covering his ears (really wonderful!)
        4. The Heartstrings one where they are sitting next to each other
        and 5. the one with the guitar.
        6. Is that a smiling Ma Roo?!
        7. etc. etc. so hard to choose.

        My birthday is coming up in a little bit and I’d buy some for myself as a birthday gift. I’d probably be willing to spend a good $20, $30 (probably more if I’m honest, but I’m a little embarrassed). I don’t know how many prints that would translate to. But after Christmas though, cause my piggy bank is maxed out with the holidays.

        I think many kdrama fans would love to have a little print to frame and keep at their desk at work or at home. Much more discreet way to fangirl in public than with a computer print-out of a screencap. ;D

        • I don’t actually do anything with my originals. See that little sketchbook in the image at the top of this post? I draw them in there, and they stay in there (although it is sort of satisfying to have a little book full of kdrama drawings).

          What I’m most seriously considering is an Etsy shop. Then I can sign the prints and do quality control as well. It also opens more options if I decide to be creative in other ways. I sew as well, and could custom-print fabric to make pencil cases or other little accessories.

          I think there is a place that does very reasonably priced watercolor prints in town, so once I’m back home (mid-January) I’m going to check it all out. I don’t want to use an ink printer because the ink is so expensive that it rarely ends up being worth it. I’m also not sure that a printer is worth the investment since I don’t know how many people will be interested in prints at this point.

          Thanks for all your help and advice btw! That watercolor blog you linked is great; I wish I was half that talented!

      • Also, I don’t know how the fan art thing works as far as copyrights…but I feel like it would be worthwhile to look into it if you’re interested. If you can confirm there’s no legal issue you might consider selling prints online automatically.

        I have an amateur photographer friend who uses Zenfolio (http://www.zenfolio.com/) to publish his photos to the web and people can order prints automatically online without him having to do it himself. Now that site is for photos, but I’m sure there must be something out there for art prints…

        You could also just provide high res downloads and leave the printing to whomever wants to.

        Another idea would be to make the prints yourself and sell them on a site like Etsy. At my old job the architectural renderers used an Epson Workforce 1100 printer (about $200 bucks) to make prints onto watercolor paper of their scanned watercolors. This was 2yrs ago so I don’t know if they still make this printer. But a printer that uses ink not toner should work. I think they printed on 90lb paper, probably hot pressed although I’m not sure about that. This is the artist blog. http://davidcsont.blogspot.com/ He hasn’t updated it in a long time, but it has some of his stuff. He’s ridiculously talented.

        Anyway just making stuff up… So feel free not to pay attention. I start thinking about stuff and I get really excited and a little carried away! 😀

      • Also if you want to talk off-blog…or on-blog about watercolors, artist, prints, art supplies, techniques etc. I’m sooooo there. I love this stuff.

  14. Hello Ms. Fanderay,
    I really like all your artworks, especially the Dream High posts and right now… The Moon That Embraces The Sun ❤ (Yeo Jin Goo is my favorite right now.. please paint more paintings of him (and his adorable smile) before you start to paint Kim Soo Hyun and other adult actors? hehe…

    I really enjoy art too, I normally just paint using acrylic or oil paint, but recently your works have inspired me to try watercolor, so I was wondering which brand of water brush are you using? Which brand do you recommend? So I'll buy one for myself and play around with the water color 😀 Please reply asap!

    Thank you~ ❤

    • I used to have a Niji, and now I have a Holbein, but they both seem to be about the same quality. I think Pentel makes a decent one too.

      That being said, if you’ve never done watercolor before, you may want to start with proper brushes. Waterbrushes allow for very little control over how much water you use (which causes a lot of mistakes) and I find that I have to use some pretty gimpy technique sometimes. I think that most people only ever use waterbrushes in travel kits, which is what I originally bought mine for, but I’ve kept using them because it forces me to work quickly and not do “complete” paintings.

      If you do go the waterbrush route, just make sure you have a sheet of paper towel handy. You’ll be wiping off your brush a lot!

      • oh wow! Thank you for the fast reply. I have done some watercolor before (architects need that skill so I’m trying my best to practice T.T), but I’m not that experienced with it nor am I as good as youuuu unni! I really think water brush is interesting.. combination of old technique and a new one I guess 🙂 I’ll try my best, thank you very much for your advice. If I succeed in buying/painting.. (which will probably take a while for me to paint, really…. hehe) I’ll tell you 😀

        Thank youuu very much again, and yes I’ll prepare lots of paper towel in my first trial hehehe

      • Unni! I bought the water brush today, but Thailand do not have Niji or Holbein, so for now I bought the kiddy one called “Seikai” hehehe 😀 it’s pretty coool, good enough for a beginner like me

        • Have you tried it yet? It takes a bit of getting used to, and I find it easiest to mostly mix my color right on the brush or right on the page (otherwise too much water gets introduced as I mix). It’s definitely a handy invention though…I hate clean-up, so it’s nice not having to deal with a jug of water and a bunch of brushes 🙂

          • Ah, yes I’ve tried it. The head isn’t very good and even if I don’t push on the container, water leak out anyways, hahaha ><! But I'm liking it very much, both not having to clean up and how it's so easy to paint. I use pigma pen to outline first, then fill in the colors using the water brush. I'll practice a lot so I can paint pretty pictures of buildings soon, hehe. Thank you very much for all your advices, you're definitely my inspiration unni 🙂

            • I think they all always leak a little bit of water, which is why the paper towel is essential! I’m finally used to it so my technique is pretty much based around the fact that I’m always adding water to the page as I go (but now I have a hard time with a proper paintbrush!). I find that the waterbrush leaks less water if I only fill it up halfway, and that’s still enough to get me through a few little paintings.

              Good luck! Let me know how it goes 🙂

  15. hello Fanderay 🙂
    I found your blog while searching about Laura Pauisini’s song sung in a scene from What’s Up. I really like your idea of combining your artistic talent and your hobby of watching drama! It’s very unique and I guess it’ll be hard to find another blog like yours. I myself can’t draw and generally not talented in art-related stuffs, so I definitely think your works are admirable 🙂
    Keep up the amazing job!
    P.S I like the clean and pastel-colored theme of your blog too 😉

  16. Dear Kolorful Palette,

    We are GURUPOP, the one and only K-pop community for the international fans to meet and interact with the K-pop stars. We have launched our site on March, 2012 and have been rapidly growing since then. As of October, 2012, we have more than 400,000 visitors per month on our community.

    We have been focusing on the services that enable the interaction between the fans and the stars. We have wide network of K-pop stars to collaborate with and have been providing interactive services such as Fan Post Contests, Star Q&As and most importantly The GURUPOP Show. Since August, we have provided the online live streaming show in English with real-time interpretation for our international fans. We currently have one more episode left to finish our total 12 episodes.

    Before we get into our next show, we found the GURUPOP Show Special; crowd funding a channel to get all K-POP global fans involved in our next show as if you were part of our production team. We would like all K-POP Global fans to gather and be part of our deep passion of making a strong connection between the international fans and the K-pop stars over the geographical barrier.

    Regarding our last episode of the GURUPOP Show Season 1 and ‘The GURUPOP Show Special’; crowd funding, we have made an news article for you to consider as recent news. Many thanks for the opportunity to discuss this proposal with you. We hope you deeply consider our proposal. Thank you for your reading.

    All the best,

  17. Hi! I love how you express the beauty of kdramas through your own creativity outlet! I was once an art student and I love drawing and kdramas (of course, the latter receives more love d:), so I relate well to your intentions. Keep up the good work! ^^
    Btw, I recently started a blog and have ALOT OF DIFFICULTY with managing the widgets and choosing the appropraite theme. Which theme do you use? How you make the widgets on top (just below the header)? I want to create my own header but don’t know how to, do you recommend any software?I will appreciate much if you are able to help the helpless me. Thanks lots~ (:

  18. hello fand!

    you’re being missed in kdramaland. 🙂
    there’s a new sageuk, Empress Ki, you might like it. 🙂
    hope everything is going well at your end.
    just dropping by to say hi. 🙂


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